Sunday, 16 October 2011

Day 8 (Sunday, 16th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PP
Weight: 68kg
Water intake: more than 2 litres (lost count after drinking cup after cup of tea)

Waist: 77.7cm
Hips: 106.7cm
Thighs: 65cm

Notes: After the past 3 days of pigging out on oily foods, I was feeling pretty guilty, so I was once again strict on what I ate. Only thing is for dinner, I didn't realise that the chicken was cooked in butter till after I'd eaten half of it :/ I did make it a point to remove as much sauce as possible from all the pieces before eating, though.

Foods eaten:
2 cinnamon oat bran muffins
2-egg omelette with low-fat cheese
1 plain grilled fresh sanma
1 chawan mushi
1 dobin mushi
1 cold tofu
a little bit of gindara shioyaki
chicken teppanyaki
1pc salmon sashimi

Daily Instructions:
Lapses, when they absorb the shocks of daily life, have a meaning and a function; they protect you against being unable to make up for what is unsatisfying. But tell yourself that to succeed in holding your own when faced with temptation is also a success, over oneself, and is therefore satisfying. So then, as you have decided on it, don't give up.

At present, your motivation is strong. As the sailors say you have the wind behind you and its full sail ahead. Make the most of this to notch up the results and remind yourself of this, so that you do not feel down, if one day your weight should stagnate.

The diet suits you and you are persevering without reporting the least frustration. This is a good gauge of your determination and your chances of success.

The cruising phase that you are going through at the moment is full of traps, such as going for several days without losing any weight and letting your guard and your determination slip. For goodness' sake, don't give way to anything, the long-term stability of your results is at stake.

If it happens that you grow weary of your diet and your physical exercise, if you feel less motivated keep up your guard, it is most likely a trick being played by your interior double. You are well advised to really it understand this double properly if you are trying to lose weight as you'll always find it on your path. Arthur Kessler used to say that when you are lying down on a psychoanalyst's couch, there is not just one but three of you, an instinctive animal, an animal of emotion and pleasure and a rational being which is far, very far from being in control. When you are seeking to lose weight, the first one puts up against its instinct of self-preservation and the second the lost pleasure. If you attempt to win them over, you are lost. They can't hear you because they live in the land of the subconscious and their job is to protect you from yourself. To stand any chance of succeeding, you will have to fight on THEIR territory, which is that of instinct and the conversion of pleasure. Play the self-preservation instinct card and the your health is under threat one. Sexual instinct, seduction which sooner or later leads to reproduction, the instinct of belonging to the group, of conforming. Also play on the element of pleasure, other people, emotional, aesthetic and spiritual nourishment, this costs nothing and doesn't make you put on weight, so try them!

Like 83% of those trying to slimming, in order to lose weight you need to be supervised, looked after and given direction. My coaching was built around this observation. It is difficult to be at the same time the person who decides and the person who suffers the frustration. To get rid of this difficulty, we have adopted the DUKAN plan whose rigorous structure leaves no room for any hesitation and in particular we have set up the section for the instructions you receive every morning and the section for the reports about your lapses, your results and your motivation rating. Whatever you do, don't forget to send this back to us because without it we won't know where you have got to.

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