Saturday, 15 October 2011

Day 6 (Friday, 14th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PP
Weight: 68.3kg
Water intake: more than 2 litres (lost count in the office and the restaurant kept refilling my glass)

Waist: 78cm
Hips: 108cm
Thighs: 63.7cm

(I forgot to change the measurements for my daily report! So the official records give the old figures)

Notes: I knew I was going to have a sinful dinner again tonight, so I was extra strict with my diet during the day. I was also careful to eat only select items from the dinner menu, and didn't eat any vegetables or fruits or carbs of any sort during the dinner. The dinner was still a little oily I think, but the main lapse was that I had a tiny glass of port at the end of the dinner. It was good port! That was one thing I couldn't resist since we have limited bottles and you can only get this in Portugal.

I notice that while I'm getting hungry faster, I also start to feel full from less food. A sign that this diet is working then?

Foods eaten:
Low-fat yoghurt with 2tbsp oat bran, 1 tbsp wheat bran, sweetener & cinnamon
Low-fat milk
4 chicken drumsticks (cooked in air fryer)

The sinful dinner:
Ocean trout with Bottarga & Egg Yolk
Lobster consomme jelly with avruga caviar
Poached oyster with autumn truffle consomme
Seabass with scallop and albert sauce
Grilled blackmore wagyu
(and a small glass of port)

Daily Instructions:
How are you feeling this morning? Here are the instructions to be followed today. We hope that you will keep your motivation intact.

Apparently you allowed yourself a medium lapse. You know that certain foods provide consolation. What happened, a problem at work or just feeling down? Don't look for the key, find it!

Your motivation remains strong; great, I knew it and you don't surprise me. You are living life to the full! What else can I add except well done?

Frustration is an unpleasant feeling. It seems that for the time being you are not confronted with it. This is excellent news. Let's keep on like this.

Being overweight systematically impacts on your venous circulation, have you already noticed this working against you? It makes your legs heavy, makes having varicous veins more difficult and encourages cellulite.

You tend to eat to protect yourself from stress. This works for your stress but is harmful for your weight. When faced with stress we give you three pieces of advice on ways to help you cope: the anti-stress gesture which for the time being dissociates you from what is stressing you, our actid rivatif which mops up the stress and our fragrance box, the ingredients for which you'll find using the search engine for the chat session or on our forum.

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