Monday, 24 October 2011

Day 15 (Sunday, 23rd October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 67kg

Waist: 77.5cm
Hips: 107cm
Thighs: 67cm

Notes: I made dashi stock from scratch today! *so proud of myself* Most packet dashi stocks will contain sugar of some sort, so when I found good quality katsuobushi shavings and wakame (no konbu though!) at Isetan, I bought them straightaway. I also have to thank my new cookbooks from Kinokuniya - they're all authentic Japanese recipes with English translation next to the Japanese recipes!

I'm really happy with the books because I finally have the proper recipes rather than my botched translations of the instructions, and it also helps improve my knowledge of kanji! Best part is that these books include some really basic things, some explanations of annual events in Japan and traditional dishes that are served during these events, and best of all - a brief list of the most popular seasonal vegetables/fish/etc for each season!

Just by reading the first few pages of one book (I got three of them ^^;; Ahahaha) I've already learned so much! I tried to follow the exact instructions for making dashi stock, but it was taking a bit too long, so I kind of sped it up by boiling the whole lot together instead of the proper way, but it still ended up smelling and tasting alot like those packet dashi stock powders *woohoo!*.

Now that I have so many new Japanese recipes to try, I can try to find a way to adapt all these recipes to be Dukan-friendly! My family certainly
wouldn't mind - we all love Japanese food!

On a separate note, we discovered at brunch today that adding alot of oatbran to beef meatballs really makes it sweet! Most delicious meatballs I've had in a long time.

Foods eaten:
Beef meatball (with oatbran added) soup with onion, four-angle beans, asparagus, courgettes and mushrooms
Grilled fresh sanma
a little bit of chicken cooked with ginger and soy sauce
Vegetable soup (base: dashi stock) with seafood (containing: onion, lettuce, courgettes, mushroom, broccoli, squid, clams, salmon)

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