Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Day 3 (Tuesday, 11th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV (But am doing PP to replace the day I had a little bit of >2% fat cheese)
Weight: 70kg
Water intake: >2 litres (lost track after glass no.8)

Waist: 79.3cm
Hip: 108.5cm
Thighs: 84cm

Notes: My period started today. Experienced unusually high levels of dizziness and lack of attention and general zaniness today, but it might be due to hunger as I didn't pack enough food for breakfast, lunch and snacks.

Foods eaten:
200g yoghurt with sweetener & cinnamon
2x oat bran pancakes with sweetener & cinnamon
Stir-fried beef (marinade: Juice of half a lemon, chilli flakes, pepper, dried oregano, dried basil)
2x slices very lean ham
1x slice turkey ham
Pan-fried dory fish with no fat (marinade: Juice of a lemon, pepper, salt, dried oregano) - this one was so hard to get out of the pan! It kept sticking to it! Next time, we'll try poaching the fish in herbed milk.
Seafood soup (Ingredients: pepper, dried onion, dory fish, squid, prawns, chilli powder, garlic powder, salt)

Daily Instructions:
Well done, dear Priscilla, you have finished the attack phase, according to your last report, a little bit below your goal but no worries as you are on the right track. Now you are starting on the cruise period which must take you in a one go straight to your desired weight. I really wanted to give you my encouragement personally and to reassure myself that you are not missing out on the slightest detail of your instructions that are drawn up just for you. You are now allowed to eat some new foods, and this is still AS MUCH AS YOU WANT but keep on following carefully my instructions for every day and don't worry I will stay by your side until we reach our common goal: your True Weight!

We hope that you are feeling on top of the world. Here are your instructions for the day. Continue to follow our advice, which is the key to success.

No lapse yesterday, a sign that a balance is settling into your eating habits and therefore also in you. You have to keep going calmly along this path.

The diet suits you and you are persevering without reporting the least frustration. This is a good gauge of your determination and your chances of success.

Priscilla, the cruising period is based on alternating. You have days of pure proteins (PP) and days with vegetables (PV). There is a reason behind this alternating, so keep to it. It works like a two-stroke engine. A busy time working and a time for rest. It has been devised so that the body is thwarted and its resistance to the diet curbed.

When like you someone is concerned about their beauty, it is enough to be powerfully motivated and to make the right choices. Choosing the right method is crucial. The best method is the one that has proved itself with others around you and that appeals to your common sense. Shun any solution that suggests that you can lose weight without exercising sufficiently or regularly and those which don't provide enough protein rich foods to protect your muscles, skin and hair. If you have made such choices, you'll find that your essential beauty is camouflaged. Nothing more! What woman would hesitate a moment? You? Oh no, you are here with us to achieve this and you are going to succeed.

You get tired quite easily. So that this tendency doesn't interfere with your diet, eat your fill and eat enough proteins as these are the most energy giving foods that there are. Don't cut down on salt too much as it maintains your blood pressure and don't drink more than one and a half litres of water so that you don't lower it. When you are eating vegetables choose the ones that are most rich in vitamins. Finally take exercise without overdoing it but do exercise regularly. And don't forget that the primary cause of feeling tired is being overweight.

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