Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Day 2 (Monday, 10th October 2011)

Phase: Attack
Weight: 70kg
Water intake: 2.2 litres

Waist: 79.5cm
Hip: 107cm
Thighs: 84cm

Notes: Started feeling the effects of the diet. No irritability, just a touch of hyperness and lack of attention. This is surprising considering that I know I'm at my PMS stage as well, where I usually feel very bloated and crabby.

Foods eaten:
2x hardboiled egg whites
2x slices very lean ham
2x slices turkey ham, fat trimmed off
2x slices chicken roll
4x small oat bran pancakes (total oat bran intake: 1.5tbsp)
2x slices extra light cheese
2x pieces smoked salmon
200g yoghurt (100g with sweetener & cinnamon)
1/3 roast chicken (seasonings: lemon juice, basil, oregano, pepper) with mustard

Daily Instructions:
We hope that you are feeling on top of the world! Just like every morning, here is your personal information sheet with all our instructions. Print it off, it is that simple, and endeavour to follow them as carefully as possible.

Yesterday, you had a lapse in your attack phase. It is hard to understand why. This phase is short and extremely effective, it puts you on the right track and gives you momentum. It has been devised to surprise your metabolism and strengthen your motivation. Any lapse cannot be tolerated, yesterday is therefore a lost day. Extend your attack phase with an extra day by replacing the first day with vegetables in your cruising phase with a pure protein day and then go back to your instructions.

At present, your motivation is strong. As the sailors say you have the wind behind you and its full sail ahead. Make the most of this to notch up the results and remind yourself of this, so that you do not feel down, if one day your weight should stagnate.

There is no mention of frustration in your report. If you are really not feeling any, then it is proof that this diet is appropriate and that for the moment you are accepting what it lays down. Don't change anything, we are satisfied!

In the attack phase the slightest lapse can undermine your undertaking. In a protein period, compare a lapse to a pin pricking a balloon. One pin prick and the balloon is completely destroyed. The engine stopping for five seconds when a plane is taking off leads to an accident. Hold firm, the attack is rapid. Very soon you'll be in the cruising phase and able to eat vegetables.

Certain people, and there are not many of them, make it a point of honour to stand out from the crowd and strive to be original at any price, whereas you prefer to live comfortably with other people as far as your image is concerned and therefore your weight too, which is the living material that smoothes the corners. You prefer to be at a weight that doesn't get itself noticed because of any excess. Well so much the better as this makes our job a lot easier!

Your desire to stabilize was weak before starting your personalized slimming programme on our coaching web site. To keep it intact, don't stop thinking about the time when having got to your weight again you'll need to preserve it, think about stabilizing this weight. Don't try to achieve a weight that is too low as you won't have enough energy left to defend what you have conquered.

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