Monday, 24 October 2011

Day 13 (Friday, 21st October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 67.5kg

Waist: 77.5cm
Hips: 107cm
Thighs: 67cm

Notes: I discovered that oatbran with hot milk is LOVE. Tastes vaguely sweet-ish, but not too cloying or overpowering! My stomach was feeling really unsettled by dinnertime though, so I could only have something really light.

Foods eaten:
oatbran with milk
stirfried chicken with egg and onion
boiled broccoli with salt and pepper
celery sticks
2x Happy Cow Light
Dinner @ Ishin - one chawan mushi and one clam soup.

Daily Instructions:
(I think I'm deleting this part unless some actual instructions pop up ^^;;; It's really more motivation tips rather than anything)

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