Monday, 24 October 2011

Day 14 (Saturday, 22nd October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PP
Weight: 67kg

Waist: 77.5cm
Hips: 107cm
Thighs: 67cm

Notes: Had a really lazy day and slept in till 10am. Spent most of my time reading stuff, actually. Went grocery shopping and found out that yes, Isetan KLCC's new supermarket section is REALLY awesome! Managed to run alot of errands around KLCC, so I'll consider that my exercise for the day, given how heavy the stuff was.

We went to Harrods for dinner and decided to just have veg on this PP day - nothing sinful but it does throw the pace off-whack a bit.

On a very guilty note, we went out for drinks with the godsibs and I had a small glass of (very good) whisky - Dalmore 18 years if you're interested. It was my reward drink for passing my exam, though I still kinda want some port! ^^; I drank alot of water to flush it out as fast as possible though!

Foods eaten:
oatbran with milk
3 egg omelette with 2 slices cheese
Dinner @ Harrods: vegetable broth, roast beef with mustard, broccoli and brussel sprouts
very small amount of whisky on the rocks

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