Friday, 14 October 2011

Day 5 (Thursday, 13th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 68.5kg
Water intake: more than 2 litres (lost count in the office and the restaurant kept refilling my glass)

Waist: 78.3cm
Hips: 108.5cm
Thighs: 64cm (Just realised I'd been looking at the wrong number! I need to start wearing my glasses when measuring...)

Notes: 3rd day of period. Had the usual major cramps at about 10-11am, but had a bit of a tummy ache as well, which made it worse and a load more uncomfortable. I think I need to sleep more because I've been finishing cooking lunch at 11pm everyday and I only get to sleep at about 1am after updating this blog and submitting my daily report. Been really sleepy at the office today....

Also, I had some transgressions today :/ I had a pre-planned dinner, so I ate all the meats and fish and whatever vegetables they gave - and also a small portion of fruit. Everything had some measure of fat in it too! I'll just have to be super strict on my diet for the next week (because I have pre-planned dinners tomorrow night and Saturday night as well!)

On a separate note, I think I'm finally starting to feel the withdrawal symptoms of no carbs kick in - I feel hungry pretty much all the time no matter how much I eat or drink, and oat bran just doesn't feel filling enough! I'm actually not tempted by carbs at all when I see them unless I'm hungry - so the trick is to keep me fed at all times with proteins till I can get used to having no carbs I guess. Good luck to me! I'm glad I don't get grumpy when I'm hungry or I'll be reaaaally crabby tomorrow....

Foods eaten:
1.5x cinnamon oat bran muffins
Low-fat milk
Vegetable & egg stir fry (onions, tomatoes, four-angle beans, okra, egg)
Boiled broccoli
Meatballs (beef, garlic powder, dried onion, herbs, oat bran, egg, cinnamon)
Yoghurt dip (low-fat yoghurt, herbs, pepper, salt)
Snacks: Tomatoes, cucumbers

The sinful dinner:
Tartare of scallop, oyster, akagai and smoked eel
Fresh tomato with abalone
French Gurnard with Roasted Fennel, Qwehli Prawn and tomato
Cream of truffle soup (full fat cream!!!)
Roasted pigeon with autumn truffles
Blackmore wagyu with mushrooms
Strawberries, blueberries and kiwi

Daily Instructions:
It's great to see you again. Here is your information sheet for the day. Print it off and follow the instructions to the letter, those are the rules of the game for as long as your coaching lasts.

Another day without a detour to the box marked lapse! You can therefore continue and remember that we are here, ready to support you if there is the slightest hitch!

The diet suits you and you are persevering without reporting the least frustration. This is a good gauge of your determination and your chances of success.

What motivates you, as for most women is losing your surplus weight so that you rediscover your beauty, your powers of seduction and this both in the eyes of others as well as your own. Here you have a powerful motivating force. Our current life style is so far removed from what it was in the beginning that being torn between what we were created for and what we make of ourselves is such that it creates latent dissatisfaction. We don't realize that we are not sufficiently self-fulfilled as we are all living in the same fish bowl. And that is why we are getting larger: to conform!

You like diets that get going quickly, we think the same way as you. Starting quickly and properly is encouraging, sharpens our determination and allows us for a time to get beyond the body's resistance as it seeks to protect its reserves. Our attack diet is brief, but it was designed to be lightning and reassuring. There is only one other diet that is as effective and powerful as the diet I am suggesting to you and that is the protein sachets diet, but in the medium term this is the worst of diets because it's the first diet to put forward proposer industrial food not meant for humans and it's the one responsible for the greatest regaining of weight afterwards.

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