Sunday, 30 October 2011

Day 22 (Sunday, 30th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PP
Weight: 66.5kg

Waist: 76.2cm
Hips: 106.5cm
Thighs: 66.5cm

Notes: Hmmm I've had alot of lapses this past week, and I'm seeing the results on my weighing scale!! I need to be extra super strict for the next two weeks to make up for it, and up my activity and exercise levels :/

Today was also a pretty productive day! We went to the Home Dec Expo in KLCC, and bought a whole bunch of stuff for my sister's apartment, including a new range of KitchenAid stuff for our own kitchen once she takes the old stuff! WOOHOO! Love KitchenAid!

Also, my mum bought me my birthday present - a combination sewing & embroidery machine!!! 8D 8D 8D I've been drooling over all sorts of models for the past year, and when I saw one I liked today, she paid a deposit and told me to collect it from the seller's shop once it arrived!! YAY!!! I'm feeling so super inspired now by all the things I can make!!

I'll probably start small and embroider some han'eri and handkerchiefs, or even try my hand at making my own designs for obi. Once I've gained confidence, I think I'll get one of those Custom Design programme things (I've already picked one out!) and start on bigger projects like skirts and JSKs ^__^

Best birthday present ever!!! The only thing that can beat this present would be to get that gorgeous Mikimoto pearl and diamond set (necklace + earrings). XD (But I'd really settle for celebrating my actual birthday with everyone in my family - haven't done that in the past 7 birthdays :/)

Foods eaten:
seafood teppanyaki (salmon, prawns, scallop)
a piece of beef from my sister's plate
a bit of carrots, celery, cabbage and tauge
2 oat bran muffins
seafood soup (salmon, squid, prawn, fish ball, clam, abalone, firm tofu, soft tofu)
a piece of salmon sashimi

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Day 21 (Saturday, 29th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 66.5kg

Waist: 76.2cm
Hips: 106.5cm
Thighs: 66.5cm

Notes: Very productive day today! Had a meeting with the wedding planners, got a hair cut, got my eyebrows waxed, had a manicure-pedicure, bought a bunch of cheap fake nails, bought fresh flowers, brewed lots of tea with my new teapot and cleared up 30% of the most annoying part about cleaning my room.

On the other hand, both brunch and tea were super greasy (yuckkk) so I think I've set back my weight loss again :/ I think my motivation is wavering - I need to keep strong!!!

Foods eaten:
scrambled eggs (tasted like there was alot of butter in it)
sauteed mushrooms and cherry tomatoes
chicken and cheese sausage
a bit of fried chicken (no skin)
2/3 a roast chicken (no skin)
loads of tea

Friday, 28 October 2011

Day 20 (Friday, 28th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PP
Weight: 66.5kg

Waist: 76.2cm
Hips: 106.5cm
Thighs: 66.5cm

Notes: Managed to get Dato' Sherry interested in the diet today! Saw her after a long time, and first thing she commented on was my weight, so I sent to her a quick write-up of the diet from and a link to the website. She says the first few days seem difficult, and that I ought to be careful not to yoyo, but she still wants to try it for her daughter.

Mmm, had Korean barbecue for dinner. I suspect the marinade for the squid had some sugar in it, but it was delicious anyway! Also had a bit of veggies on this PP day.

Also bought two new types of tea (one will become our experimental all-purpose tea!) and a handmade Japanese red clay teapot that costs more than subscribing for the Dukan diet without any discounts (ouch!!). We were introduced to the miracles of clay and water :) I can't wait to have more tea tmr!!

Foods eaten:
2 oat bran muffins with unsweetened chocolate in the middle (just a block of compressed low-fat cocoa powder really)
chicken breast with ginger, soy sauce and egg
a can of Coke Light
Korean Barbecue - squid, ox tongue, two types of beef and scallop.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Day 19 (Thursday, 27th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 66.5kg

Waist: 76.2cm
Hips: 106.5cm
Thighs: 66.5cm

Notes: Woke up late today and didn't have time to weigh myself. Got lazy to cook lunch yesterday, so I ta-pau-ed from the food court in my office building for lunch. I only had vegetarian stuff, so I made sure to have plenty of protein for dinner. Vegetarian food for lunch is really yum though! I'm wondering if I can have tom yum soup......

Foods eaten:
Hot milk with oat bran
a portion of fried cabbage with Chinese black fungus
a portion of fried cauliflower with mushrooms
one-pot soup (contains: dashi stock, onions, chicken, fish, clams, green veg, tofu and egg... and no salt -___-")

Day 18 (Wednesday, 26th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PP
Weight: 66.5kg

Waist: 76.2cm
Hips: 106.5cm
Thighs: 66.5cm

Notes: It was a public holiday today, so I woke up really late and had a very late brunch. Went out for dinner and had a tiny sip or ten of my sister's wine. Yum.

Foods eaten:
Hot milk with oat bran
3-egg omelette with cheese and ham (ate only 2/3 of it and scraped off the ham)
chicken and mushroom double boiled soup
large prawn
fish soup

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Day 17 (Tuesday, 25th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 66.6kg

Waist: 76.2cm
Hips: 106.5cm
Thighs: 66.5cm

Notes: We had something Chinese-y for lunch today! Chicken with ginger and soy sauce. We cheated a little and put some dark soy sauce, but it tasted really good! We also modified it to add onions and shimeji mushrooms, so that it's more filling, but it was still pretty good :)

Japanese food in general is pretty good for this diet ^^;

Didn't feel hungry enough for a snack today, but was pretty hungry by 6pm. I've noticed that I need to eat less to get full, and that it's a good idea for me to have my dose of oats in the morning for breakfast. I also snack less nowadays. Yay for cutting back eating habits!

Foods eaten:
Hot milk with oat bran
Chicken with ginger, onions, mushrooms and soy sauce
3pc salmon sashimi
beef teppanyaki with vegetable teppanyaki

Monday, 24 October 2011

Day 16 (Monday, 24th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PP
Weight: 66.8kg

Waist: 76.2cm
Hips: 106.5cm
Thighs: 66.5cm

Notes: I think I'm getting tired of roasted chicken drumsticks haha. Didn't even finish half the food I packed today - ended up having a bit of the egg&beef mixture (that was supposed to be our day's snack) for dinner. I think I've gained a new addiction to oatbran in hot milk though.

On a happier note, my whole roast chicken has definitely improved! Woohoo!

K, tired. G'night!

Foods eaten:
Hot milk with oat bran
5 roasted chicken drumsticks
1 chicken wing & 1 chicken leg (roasted)
a bit of salmon fish head
a bit of ground beef
3 prawns
a bowl of plain broth

Day 15 (Sunday, 23rd October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 67kg

Waist: 77.5cm
Hips: 107cm
Thighs: 67cm

Notes: I made dashi stock from scratch today! *so proud of myself* Most packet dashi stocks will contain sugar of some sort, so when I found good quality katsuobushi shavings and wakame (no konbu though!) at Isetan, I bought them straightaway. I also have to thank my new cookbooks from Kinokuniya - they're all authentic Japanese recipes with English translation next to the Japanese recipes!

I'm really happy with the books because I finally have the proper recipes rather than my botched translations of the instructions, and it also helps improve my knowledge of kanji! Best part is that these books include some really basic things, some explanations of annual events in Japan and traditional dishes that are served during these events, and best of all - a brief list of the most popular seasonal vegetables/fish/etc for each season!

Just by reading the first few pages of one book (I got three of them ^^;; Ahahaha) I've already learned so much! I tried to follow the exact instructions for making dashi stock, but it was taking a bit too long, so I kind of sped it up by boiling the whole lot together instead of the proper way, but it still ended up smelling and tasting alot like those packet dashi stock powders *woohoo!*.

Now that I have so many new Japanese recipes to try, I can try to find a way to adapt all these recipes to be Dukan-friendly! My family certainly
wouldn't mind - we all love Japanese food!

On a separate note, we discovered at brunch today that adding alot of oatbran to beef meatballs really makes it sweet! Most delicious meatballs I've had in a long time.

Foods eaten:
Beef meatball (with oatbran added) soup with onion, four-angle beans, asparagus, courgettes and mushrooms
Grilled fresh sanma
a little bit of chicken cooked with ginger and soy sauce
Vegetable soup (base: dashi stock) with seafood (containing: onion, lettuce, courgettes, mushroom, broccoli, squid, clams, salmon)

Day 14 (Saturday, 22nd October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PP
Weight: 67kg

Waist: 77.5cm
Hips: 107cm
Thighs: 67cm

Notes: Had a really lazy day and slept in till 10am. Spent most of my time reading stuff, actually. Went grocery shopping and found out that yes, Isetan KLCC's new supermarket section is REALLY awesome! Managed to run alot of errands around KLCC, so I'll consider that my exercise for the day, given how heavy the stuff was.

We went to Harrods for dinner and decided to just have veg on this PP day - nothing sinful but it does throw the pace off-whack a bit.

On a very guilty note, we went out for drinks with the godsibs and I had a small glass of (very good) whisky - Dalmore 18 years if you're interested. It was my reward drink for passing my exam, though I still kinda want some port! ^^; I drank alot of water to flush it out as fast as possible though!

Foods eaten:
oatbran with milk
3 egg omelette with 2 slices cheese
Dinner @ Harrods: vegetable broth, roast beef with mustard, broccoli and brussel sprouts
very small amount of whisky on the rocks

Day 13 (Friday, 21st October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 67.5kg

Waist: 77.5cm
Hips: 107cm
Thighs: 67cm

Notes: I discovered that oatbran with hot milk is LOVE. Tastes vaguely sweet-ish, but not too cloying or overpowering! My stomach was feeling really unsettled by dinnertime though, so I could only have something really light.

Foods eaten:
oatbran with milk
stirfried chicken with egg and onion
boiled broccoli with salt and pepper
celery sticks
2x Happy Cow Light
Dinner @ Ishin - one chawan mushi and one clam soup.

Daily Instructions:
(I think I'm deleting this part unless some actual instructions pop up ^^;;; It's really more motivation tips rather than anything)

Friday, 21 October 2011

Day 12 (Thursday, 20th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PP
Weight: 67.5kg
Water intake: more than 2 litres (lost count again)

Waist: 77.5cm
Hips: 107cm
Thighs: 67cm

Notes: I passed my Law exam today!!! I can finally apply for my CMSRL license :D WOOHOO!!! After about 5 tries and nearly 18 months, I've done it!!! XD I was really happy, so I rewarded myself by drinking a can of diet Pepsi, and I prepared my favourite snacks for tomorrow - plain boiled broccoli with good salt & pepper, and celery sticks with Happy Cow Light.

On the other hand, today threw my diet a bit off-whack because I didn't eat breakfast - too nervous before the exam. After the exam, I had a training course to go to, so I didn't manage to eat anything before getting back into the office for lunch :/ I was starving by then!

Today's experiment with steamed eggs and beef went a little wonky, but I think the dish would be fixable if we seasoned the beef and added some water to the egg. And also use less beef, I think, so that we don't have to steam the dish for too long. Test run on Monday? :)

In the end, we scraped off the beef from the egg and I had a little of the egg. Then we cooked the beef in a tomato sauce and we're going to use it for a snack tomorrow. I think it'll make a great dip for the celery sticks!

I'm not seeing it myself, but apparently the results of the diet are already visible to others! I've been getting comments about it :) Yay! Usually one or two people will mention a month that I look like I've lost weight (usually after my period ends) but these past few days, five different people have commented on it :) Woohoo! *inspired*

Foods eaten:
1 butter & vanilla flavoured oat bran pancake
sliced grilled chicken coated with oat bran
7 chicken legs (skin removed) marinated with lime, ginger powder, soy sauce, chilli flakes and oregano
Salmon parcel (soy sauce, pepper, basil & lemon)
1 egg's worth of steamed egg
A tsp of beef mince cooked with tomato (taster for tmr's snack)
1 can diet pepsi

Daily Instructions:
We hope that you are feeling on top of the world! Just like every morning, here is your personal information sheet with all our instructions. Print it off, it is that simple, and endeavour to follow them as carefully as possible.

Another day without a detour to the box marked lapse! You can therefore continue and remember that we are here, ready to support you if there is the slightest hitch!

Your motivation is strong but be careful. There is nothing more vulnerable.

This is perfect, you are not experiencing the unpleasant feeling of frustration. No annoyance, this means it is possible to keep going more easily until you reach your goal.

In the cruising period, don't forget that when you weigh yourself you are weighing fat and water. You can quite easily lose the fat but have kept the water. The result is that the scales don't move. So you are at high tide. All you have to do is wait for the low tide to have something to smile about again.

Day 11 (Wednesday, 19th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 67.5kg
Water intake: more than 2 litres (lost count again)

Waist: 77.5cm
Hips: 107.5cm
Thighs: 67cm

Notes: Parents finally got home late on Tuesday night! Ma brought home alot of nice clothes for me, and I could actually fit them pretty well! I wore one of the dresses today :) Nice and floral!

Oh, and the butter & vanilla oat bran muffins were absolutely great. I think I really like them this way! Cinnamon was just a litte too heavy for these muffins I guess.

Foods eaten:
2 butter & vanilla flavoured oat bran muffins
celery sticks and cucumber sticks with Happy Cow Light
Minced chicken, onion and bellpepper stew
stir-fried chicken strips with peas and courgette
a bowl of chicken and cabbage broth

Daily Instructions:
(Whoops, forgot to save again!)

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Day 10 (Tuesday, 18th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PP
Weight: 68kg
Water intake: more than 2 litres (lost count again)

Waist: 77.5cm
Hips: 107.5cm
Thighs: 67cm

Notes: Not much to say. I don't think I'll be having overnight saba shioyaki again. Abit jelak. As time goes by, I realise that having foods that are too fatty or too oily tend to make me feel really nauseous after the first few bites. I can't bring myself to put normal ham in my mouth anymore - just the smell of it is too greasy! I also notice that as time goes by, I find myself needing to snack less and less. I still need a good hearty snack at 4.30pm everyday though.

Foods eaten:
3 small cinnamon pancakes
1pc saba shioyaki
1 cheese slice
Roast chicken with mustard
a little bit of kampachi kama shioyaki

Daily Instructions:
(Whoops, forgot to save again!)

Monday, 17 October 2011

Day 9 (Monday, 17th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 68kg
Water intake: more than 2 litres (lost count again)

Waist: 77.5cm
Hips: 107.5cm
Thighs: 67cm

Notes: Not sure what's happening with my hips and thighs measurements, but I guess I'm just taking them wrong. Today I almost rebelled against the diet - I had yoghurt with oat bran, cinnamon and sweetener for breakfast and I'm frankly, quite sick of it. Eating it once a fortnight is okay, but three times a week is far more than enough. Next time, I'll sprinkle it into hot low-fat milk and make it a nestum of sorts.

On the other hand, I discovered an amazing pancake recipe! It's pretty much like my sister's muffin recipe except that I use more yoghurt and turn it into a pancake. My sister likes the oat bran muffins alot, but I kinda prefer pancakes I think. If we can get some fat free cocoa powder and use it for the muffins - then I'd be thinking something different!

Also, we're getting quicker at cooking this stuff! No need for overly complicated things. We've found that seafood in Isetan is good quality and easy to cook, so we had a good seafood and cabbage soup for dinner today. Roast chicken for dinner tomorrow. Can't wait!

Foods eaten:
1 egg omelette with cheese
yoghurt with 2tbsp oat bran, sweetener & cinnamon
cucumber sticks
cherry tomatoes
beef stir-fry with onion, broccoli & mushrooms
Seafood soup (abalone, scallops, prawns, squid, cabbage)
Sampled one oat bran pancake

Daily Instructions:
Yesterday a lapse appeared in your report. What is going on? A little step back into the past, back to where you were? No, no, no you are fine here, with us, and you are going to lose those kilos that are bothering you!

Your motivation is strong but be careful. There is nothing more vulnerable.

This diet isn't causing you any frustration. It seems as if what we are suggesting to you suits you perfectly. Let's keep going like this!

Being on a diet means accepting that you have to cut down on the pleasure you get from eating. In the head of the person on a diet, there is the torturer who decides and the victim who goes along with it. In this sort of negotiation it's always the victim who ends up getting the upper hand. The solution is to let us decide for you. It is easier to follow a decision than it is to make it.

When you started on the programme, you stood a serious chance of not being happy with yourself, with your image, with your body, with your clothes that are tight. Indeed, it's still not always easy to know exactly if this unpleasant feeling of having lessened one of our elements of beauty is so in our eyes or in the eyes of others. Certain women, more aesthetes than others, experience it as a private misfortune. "It's as if you'd thrown ink over a painting that you love living with!" one of my patients said to me one day. Others are more dependent on those around them and are forever on the look-out for the way others look at them. The two factors certainly always co-exist but they vary depending on whether the dominant characteristic in each woman's personality is aesthetic or normative. What is for sure is that putting on weight, however much the amount, is always reversible.

Don't forget you are committed to one day of protein dieting every Thursday to consolidate then stabilize the weight you've achieved. Today this may seem like a trifle to you but when you've finished, being tied down like this will seem tedious to you. Without it, all the effort you're making now will have no sense whatsoever. You will put weight back on.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Day 8 (Sunday, 16th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PP
Weight: 68kg
Water intake: more than 2 litres (lost count after drinking cup after cup of tea)

Waist: 77.7cm
Hips: 106.7cm
Thighs: 65cm

Notes: After the past 3 days of pigging out on oily foods, I was feeling pretty guilty, so I was once again strict on what I ate. Only thing is for dinner, I didn't realise that the chicken was cooked in butter till after I'd eaten half of it :/ I did make it a point to remove as much sauce as possible from all the pieces before eating, though.

Foods eaten:
2 cinnamon oat bran muffins
2-egg omelette with low-fat cheese
1 plain grilled fresh sanma
1 chawan mushi
1 dobin mushi
1 cold tofu
a little bit of gindara shioyaki
chicken teppanyaki
1pc salmon sashimi

Daily Instructions:
Lapses, when they absorb the shocks of daily life, have a meaning and a function; they protect you against being unable to make up for what is unsatisfying. But tell yourself that to succeed in holding your own when faced with temptation is also a success, over oneself, and is therefore satisfying. So then, as you have decided on it, don't give up.

At present, your motivation is strong. As the sailors say you have the wind behind you and its full sail ahead. Make the most of this to notch up the results and remind yourself of this, so that you do not feel down, if one day your weight should stagnate.

The diet suits you and you are persevering without reporting the least frustration. This is a good gauge of your determination and your chances of success.

The cruising phase that you are going through at the moment is full of traps, such as going for several days without losing any weight and letting your guard and your determination slip. For goodness' sake, don't give way to anything, the long-term stability of your results is at stake.

If it happens that you grow weary of your diet and your physical exercise, if you feel less motivated keep up your guard, it is most likely a trick being played by your interior double. You are well advised to really it understand this double properly if you are trying to lose weight as you'll always find it on your path. Arthur Kessler used to say that when you are lying down on a psychoanalyst's couch, there is not just one but three of you, an instinctive animal, an animal of emotion and pleasure and a rational being which is far, very far from being in control. When you are seeking to lose weight, the first one puts up against its instinct of self-preservation and the second the lost pleasure. If you attempt to win them over, you are lost. They can't hear you because they live in the land of the subconscious and their job is to protect you from yourself. To stand any chance of succeeding, you will have to fight on THEIR territory, which is that of instinct and the conversion of pleasure. Play the self-preservation instinct card and the your health is under threat one. Sexual instinct, seduction which sooner or later leads to reproduction, the instinct of belonging to the group, of conforming. Also play on the element of pleasure, other people, emotional, aesthetic and spiritual nourishment, this costs nothing and doesn't make you put on weight, so try them!

Like 83% of those trying to slimming, in order to lose weight you need to be supervised, looked after and given direction. My coaching was built around this observation. It is difficult to be at the same time the person who decides and the person who suffers the frustration. To get rid of this difficulty, we have adopted the DUKAN plan whose rigorous structure leaves no room for any hesitation and in particular we have set up the section for the instructions you receive every morning and the section for the reports about your lapses, your results and your motivation rating. Whatever you do, don't forget to send this back to us because without it we won't know where you have got to.

Day 7 (Saturday, 15th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 68.3kg
Water intake: more than 2 litres (lost count after drinking cup after cup of tea)

Waist: 78cm
Hips: 107cm
Thighs: 63.7cm

Notes: I knew the wedding dinner I had to attend was going to be a sinful dinner again tonight, so I was super strict with my diet during the day. Once again, I was careful to eat only select items from the dinner menu, and didn't eat anything that wasn't allowed - even pulled off the skin of the fried foods first. I'm not sure if the soup had starch in it, but cornflour is a tolerated product right???

Foods eaten:
Low-fat yoghurt with 2tbsp oat bran, sweetener & chocolate flavouring
3-egg plain omelete
a head of broccoli - boiled plain and eaten with salt and pepper

The sinful dinner:
Four Seasons Platter - prawn, tofu stuffed with seafood & octopus
Soup - Sharksfin soup with crabmeat
Fried Chicken - Peeled off the skin
Fried fish - only ate the soft white flesh
Vegetable - Had the broccoli and mushroom

I skipped the prawn, fish and dessert dishes.

Daily Instructions:
(ooops I forgot to save these instructions!)

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Day 6 (Friday, 14th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PP
Weight: 68.3kg
Water intake: more than 2 litres (lost count in the office and the restaurant kept refilling my glass)

Waist: 78cm
Hips: 108cm
Thighs: 63.7cm

(I forgot to change the measurements for my daily report! So the official records give the old figures)

Notes: I knew I was going to have a sinful dinner again tonight, so I was extra strict with my diet during the day. I was also careful to eat only select items from the dinner menu, and didn't eat any vegetables or fruits or carbs of any sort during the dinner. The dinner was still a little oily I think, but the main lapse was that I had a tiny glass of port at the end of the dinner. It was good port! That was one thing I couldn't resist since we have limited bottles and you can only get this in Portugal.

I notice that while I'm getting hungry faster, I also start to feel full from less food. A sign that this diet is working then?

Foods eaten:
Low-fat yoghurt with 2tbsp oat bran, 1 tbsp wheat bran, sweetener & cinnamon
Low-fat milk
4 chicken drumsticks (cooked in air fryer)

The sinful dinner:
Ocean trout with Bottarga & Egg Yolk
Lobster consomme jelly with avruga caviar
Poached oyster with autumn truffle consomme
Seabass with scallop and albert sauce
Grilled blackmore wagyu
(and a small glass of port)

Daily Instructions:
How are you feeling this morning? Here are the instructions to be followed today. We hope that you will keep your motivation intact.

Apparently you allowed yourself a medium lapse. You know that certain foods provide consolation. What happened, a problem at work or just feeling down? Don't look for the key, find it!

Your motivation remains strong; great, I knew it and you don't surprise me. You are living life to the full! What else can I add except well done?

Frustration is an unpleasant feeling. It seems that for the time being you are not confronted with it. This is excellent news. Let's keep on like this.

Being overweight systematically impacts on your venous circulation, have you already noticed this working against you? It makes your legs heavy, makes having varicous veins more difficult and encourages cellulite.

You tend to eat to protect yourself from stress. This works for your stress but is harmful for your weight. When faced with stress we give you three pieces of advice on ways to help you cope: the anti-stress gesture which for the time being dissociates you from what is stressing you, our actid rivatif which mops up the stress and our fragrance box, the ingredients for which you'll find using the search engine for the chat session or on our forum.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Day 5 (Thursday, 13th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 68.5kg
Water intake: more than 2 litres (lost count in the office and the restaurant kept refilling my glass)

Waist: 78.3cm
Hips: 108.5cm
Thighs: 64cm (Just realised I'd been looking at the wrong number! I need to start wearing my glasses when measuring...)

Notes: 3rd day of period. Had the usual major cramps at about 10-11am, but had a bit of a tummy ache as well, which made it worse and a load more uncomfortable. I think I need to sleep more because I've been finishing cooking lunch at 11pm everyday and I only get to sleep at about 1am after updating this blog and submitting my daily report. Been really sleepy at the office today....

Also, I had some transgressions today :/ I had a pre-planned dinner, so I ate all the meats and fish and whatever vegetables they gave - and also a small portion of fruit. Everything had some measure of fat in it too! I'll just have to be super strict on my diet for the next week (because I have pre-planned dinners tomorrow night and Saturday night as well!)

On a separate note, I think I'm finally starting to feel the withdrawal symptoms of no carbs kick in - I feel hungry pretty much all the time no matter how much I eat or drink, and oat bran just doesn't feel filling enough! I'm actually not tempted by carbs at all when I see them unless I'm hungry - so the trick is to keep me fed at all times with proteins till I can get used to having no carbs I guess. Good luck to me! I'm glad I don't get grumpy when I'm hungry or I'll be reaaaally crabby tomorrow....

Foods eaten:
1.5x cinnamon oat bran muffins
Low-fat milk
Vegetable & egg stir fry (onions, tomatoes, four-angle beans, okra, egg)
Boiled broccoli
Meatballs (beef, garlic powder, dried onion, herbs, oat bran, egg, cinnamon)
Yoghurt dip (low-fat yoghurt, herbs, pepper, salt)
Snacks: Tomatoes, cucumbers

The sinful dinner:
Tartare of scallop, oyster, akagai and smoked eel
Fresh tomato with abalone
French Gurnard with Roasted Fennel, Qwehli Prawn and tomato
Cream of truffle soup (full fat cream!!!)
Roasted pigeon with autumn truffles
Blackmore wagyu with mushrooms
Strawberries, blueberries and kiwi

Daily Instructions:
It's great to see you again. Here is your information sheet for the day. Print it off and follow the instructions to the letter, those are the rules of the game for as long as your coaching lasts.

Another day without a detour to the box marked lapse! You can therefore continue and remember that we are here, ready to support you if there is the slightest hitch!

The diet suits you and you are persevering without reporting the least frustration. This is a good gauge of your determination and your chances of success.

What motivates you, as for most women is losing your surplus weight so that you rediscover your beauty, your powers of seduction and this both in the eyes of others as well as your own. Here you have a powerful motivating force. Our current life style is so far removed from what it was in the beginning that being torn between what we were created for and what we make of ourselves is such that it creates latent dissatisfaction. We don't realize that we are not sufficiently self-fulfilled as we are all living in the same fish bowl. And that is why we are getting larger: to conform!

You like diets that get going quickly, we think the same way as you. Starting quickly and properly is encouraging, sharpens our determination and allows us for a time to get beyond the body's resistance as it seeks to protect its reserves. Our attack diet is brief, but it was designed to be lightning and reassuring. There is only one other diet that is as effective and powerful as the diet I am suggesting to you and that is the protein sachets diet, but in the medium term this is the worst of diets because it's the first diet to put forward proposer industrial food not meant for humans and it's the one responsible for the greatest regaining of weight afterwards.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Day 4 (Wednesday, 12th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PP
Weight: 69kg
Water intake: approx. 1.6 litres

Waist: 78.5cm
Hips: 108.5cm
Thighs: 84cm

Notes: 2nd day of period. Generally, I always experience constant abdominal discomfort (borderline pain but not quite), but this time it was minimal. My flow is also unusually light - might need to check on that. I packed alot of food for today, so I didn't go hungry at all, and didn't experience much dizziness. I'm also pretty amazed at just how full I've been feeling all day, despite not having had much!

Foods eaten:
2x plain oat bran pancakes
1x large saba shioyaki, with the salt scraped off
tuna & egg salad (1 can tuna in water, 3 eggs, 160g fat free cream cheese, seasonings)
Cream of chicken soup (chicken breast, herbs, skimmed milk, low fat cream

Daily Instructions:
Keep up the pace already achieved, and again today do what these instructions recommend you to do.

Each day without a lapse is a great motivator. Besides, isn't the real reward knowing that you can do it?

Good news for you and for us... in this phase of the diet you are not experiencing any frustration. This is a valuable trump card, keep this winning card carefully in your hand!

Being overweight also put a woman's heart at risk. A woman who is too heavy has a heart which is living beyond its means, it beats more quickly and gets more tired. The blood that circulates is fattier and clogs up the nutrient arteries more easily. Being overweight is also the main cause of diabetes and high blood pressure.

You have a busy social life and are invited out a lot. It's easier if you try and get people to come to you as you can then choose the weapons and the menus. If you are eating at some one else's table you have to be crafty. Before you set off have two low-fat yoghurts. Avoid the drinks and snacks before the meal unless there are cherry tomatoes, celery hearts, raw vegetables or seafood. When eating be careful again with the starters, take second helpings of the proteins (meat, fish, etc.). Let your wine grow old in your glass and when it comes to the dessert just know how to say no. If you really can't resist then choose one dish and one dish only, and take delight in it by closing your eyes so you enjoy it even more, and whatever you do don't feel guilty as that is the worst outcome. The following day go back to the proteins again.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Recipe: Easy Dukan Tuna & Egg Salad

This is a really easy recipe I whipped up based on the few ingredients allowed for Attack phase, so it's useable for PP days.

Level: Easy
Cooking Time: 10mins preparation, 12mins cooking
Serves 1 for a large lunch.

1 can of tuna in water, drained
2 eggs
150g fat free cream cheese OR 100g Greek yoghurt OR 100g Dukan Mayonnaise

Hardboil the eggs (about 12 minutes) and peel them, then roughly chop them. Mash all ingredients together with salt, a generous sprinkling of freshly ground black pepper, and your choice of herbs. I prefer to use a combination of dried onion, oregano and cayenne pepper. If the mixture is too thick, you can add 1 tbsp of yoghurt at a time, or some of the water from the tuna. Alternatively, you can add in 1 tsp of lemon juice at a time till the mixture is loosened.

I really like this as a topping or sandwich filler for plain oat bran pancakes, but I also use it as a side salad for grilled chicken breast.

Also a great alternative sandwich filler for non-Dukan dieters.

Variations: Replace the tuna with diced grilled chicken breast.

Day 3 (Tuesday, 11th October 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV (But am doing PP to replace the day I had a little bit of >2% fat cheese)
Weight: 70kg
Water intake: >2 litres (lost track after glass no.8)

Waist: 79.3cm
Hip: 108.5cm
Thighs: 84cm

Notes: My period started today. Experienced unusually high levels of dizziness and lack of attention and general zaniness today, but it might be due to hunger as I didn't pack enough food for breakfast, lunch and snacks.

Foods eaten:
200g yoghurt with sweetener & cinnamon
2x oat bran pancakes with sweetener & cinnamon
Stir-fried beef (marinade: Juice of half a lemon, chilli flakes, pepper, dried oregano, dried basil)
2x slices very lean ham
1x slice turkey ham
Pan-fried dory fish with no fat (marinade: Juice of a lemon, pepper, salt, dried oregano) - this one was so hard to get out of the pan! It kept sticking to it! Next time, we'll try poaching the fish in herbed milk.
Seafood soup (Ingredients: pepper, dried onion, dory fish, squid, prawns, chilli powder, garlic powder, salt)

Daily Instructions:
Well done, dear Priscilla, you have finished the attack phase, according to your last report, a little bit below your goal but no worries as you are on the right track. Now you are starting on the cruise period which must take you in a one go straight to your desired weight. I really wanted to give you my encouragement personally and to reassure myself that you are not missing out on the slightest detail of your instructions that are drawn up just for you. You are now allowed to eat some new foods, and this is still AS MUCH AS YOU WANT but keep on following carefully my instructions for every day and don't worry I will stay by your side until we reach our common goal: your True Weight!

We hope that you are feeling on top of the world. Here are your instructions for the day. Continue to follow our advice, which is the key to success.

No lapse yesterday, a sign that a balance is settling into your eating habits and therefore also in you. You have to keep going calmly along this path.

The diet suits you and you are persevering without reporting the least frustration. This is a good gauge of your determination and your chances of success.

Priscilla, the cruising period is based on alternating. You have days of pure proteins (PP) and days with vegetables (PV). There is a reason behind this alternating, so keep to it. It works like a two-stroke engine. A busy time working and a time for rest. It has been devised so that the body is thwarted and its resistance to the diet curbed.

When like you someone is concerned about their beauty, it is enough to be powerfully motivated and to make the right choices. Choosing the right method is crucial. The best method is the one that has proved itself with others around you and that appeals to your common sense. Shun any solution that suggests that you can lose weight without exercising sufficiently or regularly and those which don't provide enough protein rich foods to protect your muscles, skin and hair. If you have made such choices, you'll find that your essential beauty is camouflaged. Nothing more! What woman would hesitate a moment? You? Oh no, you are here with us to achieve this and you are going to succeed.

You get tired quite easily. So that this tendency doesn't interfere with your diet, eat your fill and eat enough proteins as these are the most energy giving foods that there are. Don't cut down on salt too much as it maintains your blood pressure and don't drink more than one and a half litres of water so that you don't lower it. When you are eating vegetables choose the ones that are most rich in vitamins. Finally take exercise without overdoing it but do exercise regularly. And don't forget that the primary cause of feeling tired is being overweight.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Day 2 (Monday, 10th October 2011)

Phase: Attack
Weight: 70kg
Water intake: 2.2 litres

Waist: 79.5cm
Hip: 107cm
Thighs: 84cm

Notes: Started feeling the effects of the diet. No irritability, just a touch of hyperness and lack of attention. This is surprising considering that I know I'm at my PMS stage as well, where I usually feel very bloated and crabby.

Foods eaten:
2x hardboiled egg whites
2x slices very lean ham
2x slices turkey ham, fat trimmed off
2x slices chicken roll
4x small oat bran pancakes (total oat bran intake: 1.5tbsp)
2x slices extra light cheese
2x pieces smoked salmon
200g yoghurt (100g with sweetener & cinnamon)
1/3 roast chicken (seasonings: lemon juice, basil, oregano, pepper) with mustard

Daily Instructions:
We hope that you are feeling on top of the world! Just like every morning, here is your personal information sheet with all our instructions. Print it off, it is that simple, and endeavour to follow them as carefully as possible.

Yesterday, you had a lapse in your attack phase. It is hard to understand why. This phase is short and extremely effective, it puts you on the right track and gives you momentum. It has been devised to surprise your metabolism and strengthen your motivation. Any lapse cannot be tolerated, yesterday is therefore a lost day. Extend your attack phase with an extra day by replacing the first day with vegetables in your cruising phase with a pure protein day and then go back to your instructions.

At present, your motivation is strong. As the sailors say you have the wind behind you and its full sail ahead. Make the most of this to notch up the results and remind yourself of this, so that you do not feel down, if one day your weight should stagnate.

There is no mention of frustration in your report. If you are really not feeling any, then it is proof that this diet is appropriate and that for the moment you are accepting what it lays down. Don't change anything, we are satisfied!

In the attack phase the slightest lapse can undermine your undertaking. In a protein period, compare a lapse to a pin pricking a balloon. One pin prick and the balloon is completely destroyed. The engine stopping for five seconds when a plane is taking off leads to an accident. Hold firm, the attack is rapid. Very soon you'll be in the cruising phase and able to eat vegetables.

Certain people, and there are not many of them, make it a point of honour to stand out from the crowd and strive to be original at any price, whereas you prefer to live comfortably with other people as far as your image is concerned and therefore your weight too, which is the living material that smoothes the corners. You prefer to be at a weight that doesn't get itself noticed because of any excess. Well so much the better as this makes our job a lot easier!

Your desire to stabilize was weak before starting your personalized slimming programme on our coaching web site. To keep it intact, don't stop thinking about the time when having got to your weight again you'll need to preserve it, think about stabilizing this weight. Don't try to achieve a weight that is too low as you won't have enough energy left to defend what you have conquered.

Day 1 (Sunday, 9th October 2011)

Phase: Attack
Weight: 71kg
Water intake: 2 litres

Waist: 80cm
Hip: 107cm
Thighs: 84cm

Foods eaten:
1x Communion Host @ Mass (Ingredients: Wheat flour & water)
1x 2 egg omelette (plain, seasoned with salt & pepper, drop of oil)
2.5x Roast chicken legs (Marinated with pepper, salt, dried chilli flakes & dried herbs)
1x bowl of mussels cooked in herby broth (no stock, no salt)
1x piece of plain grilled salmon
2x oat bran pancakes

(No daily instructions as I hadn't thought to save them yet)

Introduction Post~

So! After many years of whining about my weight, I've finally decided to do something about it!

It all started with a friend's wedding, where the bride was telling us about this diet her father-in-law had gone on that had worked really well - and actually kept the weight off!

This was, of course, the Dukan diet.

My sister and I spent months reading up on it, but didn't start the diet as we had a holiday to London and Portugal later in the year.

Sometime last week, I signed up on the Dukan Diet UK website and found that there was a 40% discount offer for subscriptions for coaching if you paid in the month of October. Since it cost about two really nice meals, which I had to give up anyway, I didn't mind paying the money - maybe it'll even keep me disciplined with following the instructions!

Anyway, I started this blog to keep track of my progress. I'm also hoping to keep a detailed list of the foods I eat, just in case there is a slip-up somewhere that I didn't notice.

I started my diet on Sunday, 9th October 2011. I weighed 71kg at the time, with a true weight of 54.4kg and a goal of 50kg.

Here's to hoping I'll be able to finish the diet before 7th July 2012 next year - which is my sister's wedding day and the main reason I'm trying to lose all this weight.
