Thursday, 17 November 2011

Day 39 (Wednesday, 16th November 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 65.8kg

Waist: 75.5cm
Hips: 103.5cm
Thighs: 66.5cm

Notes: Haven't been able to weigh myself the past few days.... Need to remedy that.

My stomach's been feeling a little off lately, ever since Friday really, but today it was exceptionally bad. It was painful in the morning for no reason, and by night, I was having the runs pretty badly. Barely ate any dinner at all... (which is such a waste because we had a pretty good one today!) Looks like I might have to go see the doctor.

Foods eaten:
chicken tomato stew with portobello mushrooms (yum!!!) and onion
2 Happy Cow Light
a bit of fishball & tofu and alot of broth
a cup of milk + extra with 2 tbsp oat bran
a mug of coffee

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