Saturday, 5 November 2011

Day 27 (Friday, 4th November 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 66.5kg

Waist: 76.2cm
Hips: 104.5cm
Thighs: 66.5cm

Notes: Stressful day at work. Not feeling too happy :/ Didn't have enough time to even run to the loo! Forgot to take my oats..... But at least I had the meeting with IT to try and solve some probs with our emails, and had Korean bbq for dinner again.

I think I really enjoy retail therapy.... I ended up buying a Meta LP tonight hahaha.

Also tried making some oat bran cookies today. They turned out looking really well, but the taste of ginger powder was just.... yuck!!!! I think I'll replace all the ginger powder with cinnamon next time.

Foods eaten:
shredded chicken w really really light mayo
chicken, mushroom, onion, green veg n tofu soup
Korean bbq (squid, chicken, scallops, beef, seaweed soup with scallops, egg rolls, various types of veg)

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