Monday, 14 November 2011

Day 37 (Monday, 14th November 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 65.6kg

Waist: 76.2cm
Hips: 104.5cm
Thighs: 66.5cm

Notes: Is it always going to be this crazy at work? Just feeling a little tired and run down all the time nowadays. No idea why :/ On the upside, I think they've finally realised I can't take my workload, and have shifted off a small part of my duties to others. Thank God!

Foods eaten:
minced beef in tomato sauce with onions & mushrooms
seafood soup (radish, bottle gourd, tofu, prawns, fishball, etc)
a scoop of no-sugar low fat ice cream with 2tbsp oat bran

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