Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Day 30 (Monday, 7th November 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PP
Weight: 66kg

Waist: 76.2cm
Hips: 104.5cm
Thighs: 66.5cm

Notes: Tried making the Dukan cookie recipe today but it turned out pretty blah. I think I'll use cinnamon instead of flavouring next time.

Ate a little veggies today :/ Oops. Also ate an ice cream that was "low fat, no sugar added" but it probably had some sugar in it hahaha. Oops ><" Foods eaten:
Protein soup (chicken stock, soft tofu, eggs, a little bit of crab roll)
Milk with 2 tbsp oat bran
Grilled beef, soup, chawanmushi, negima kushiyaki and wagyu kushiyaki
Baskin Robbins no-sugar low-fat vanilla ice cream with unsweetened chocolate chunks

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