Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Day 2: Tuesday, 2nd April 2013 (Attack)

Phase: Attack
Weight: 71.9kg

Bust: 98cm
Waist: 79.5cm
Hips: 109cm

Notes: Alright, so my measurements are vastly different from what I posted yesterday, but that's because yesterday's measurements were taken at the end of the day, rather than in the morning, as is my preference. Going forward, the weight and measurements I record down will be taken in the morning.

Today was an okay day for me. Not as excitable about the diet as yesterday, but then again I had a pretty stressful day at work, and had to remind myself not to snack on anything sinful. I cleared out the last bits of the snack corner on my desk too.

The egg and smoked salmon salad I made was pretty okay, but it's not something you can eat alot of - next time, I'll just stick to using one hardboiled egg, way less mayonnaise and more herbs and pepper. It got a little too rich for me after eating less than a third of what I prepared hahaha.

The bit of egg salad that I ate became my dinner, as I had class after work and only got home at nearly 10pm. After class, I did have some chicken broth with chicken breast, and my milk-and-oats for the day, which actually kind of ended up being too big a meal because I felt kinda nauseous after that lol.

Soooo.... Food for tomorrow is pretty simple stuff. Steak with oregano mayonnaise, and baked lemon sole with thyme. The lemon sole was meant to be dinner, but since the chicken broth was already prepared (leftovers from my mum's dinner) and I had to cook the fish by today, it became part of lunch for tomorrow.

Sorry, no photos of today's food (I was too hungry to snap a nice photo of lunch - baked salmon parcel with lemon and basil) but I did remember to take a photo of tomorrow's lunch while it was cooling!

2013-04-02 Lunch Stuff for tmr

The mug is my milk-and-oatbran, and the bag is my lunchbag (a gift from my sister, though I think it came as a freebie in a Japanese magazine hahaha). I found it fitting :)

Alright, got to go to bed, since tomorrow will likely be a long day as well. Goodnight!

Foods Eaten:
2 half-boiled eggs
1 piece of salmon, baked with lemon juice and fresh basil
1 hardboiled egg, mixed with a bit of chopped smoked salmon and Dukan mayonnaise
1 bowl of chicken broth, with chicken chunks
low-fat milk with 1 1/2 tbsp oat bran
1 box of low-fat milk

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