Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Day 71 (Sunday, 18th December 2011)

Phase: Cruise - PV
Weight: 63kg

Waist: 73.5cm
Hips: 102.5cm
Thighs: 66cm

Notes: Phew, Sunday was a really full day for me! After going to bed at about 2am on Saturday night, I was up again by 5.30am to go for the 6.45am Mass to help my mum a little with setting up the stall selling Christmas hampers for RCIA.

After Mass, I went home to change into a lolita outfit and went for Comic Fiesta 2011. Man, it was really packed! And to think it was worse on Saturday ^^;;;

I managed to meet up with quite a few friends, and was also there to watch the lolita runway! After that, I was at their meet-up and photo-taking session for a while before I had to go to Bangsar Village to get my hair done for a friend's wedding dinner that night.

I ummm sinned at the wedding dinner XD;;; I had nasi minyak and ice cream and all the oily fattening lauk! I didn't have that much, but it still felt sinful....

Foods eaten:
2 chicken drumsticks
a spoonful of nasi minyak
Malay lauk
tapai ice cream (thinking back on it, it was actually pretty yum!)

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